Hi, my name is Matias Harina ("harina" means flour in Spanish and lately I've noticed how cool it is to have an ingredient surname, one that well combined, can create such great things). I was born and raised in Argentina, then lived in Spain and now I live in a small town in the middle of Italy (speaking of flour and great things...).
I've worked in several agencies and studios but my love for movement made me realise that freelancing is the working mode that best suits me.
During the last years I've focused on branding and packaging design and in some cases I've even created the required illustrations. After all, my love for design was a consequence of my love for drawing.
I would be happy to apply my knowledge to your project, paying attention to details and requesting the collaboration of specialists in other creative fields, if necessary.
Get in touch if you think I can help you, I could be the missing ingredient of your project ;)
Thank you!